Bad Hair Days

That’s what I’ve been having a lot of lately.  I had decided to let my hair grow for this holiday so I could just put it up and be done with it….but yesterday I couldn’t stand it anymore…’s at that length right now where it’s too much trouble to blow dry straight-ish, too long to just let go curly and the parts/crowns…..lots of nasty parts all over….the side, the back and those bangs…..going here, there and in every direction or falling flat as a pancake down my forehead…..argh!!!  So I made an appointment for tomorrow morning to have it cut.  I need something very low maintenance.  If my hair was thicker, it would be nice to just put some goop in it, scrunch it and let it dry on it’s own but that isn’t the case unfortunately.  I don’t know what she’ll be able to do but I’m hoping she’s got some good ideas.

This morning though, of course, I’m having a great hair day!!  Now I’m second guessing my decision to get it cut.  I’ll see how it progresses through the day and if my parts behave. The real test will be tomorrow morning.   I’m hoping is doesn’t cooperate because I really do think getting it cut is the most logical thing to do.

Lots to do this morning before the kiddies arrive.  I have to drop off my property utility tax payment, get to the sheet metal place to have a bigger hole cut in the piece I got for the tap that is now inside the garage (so that any spray doesn’t soak the drywall), pick up some groceries for dinner, maybe pick Buddy up from the vets (haven’t heard from them yet this AM).

I keep thinking there is something else I have to do….even with my list.  I’m not sure why I’m feeling so stressed because I really am pretty organized.  I don’t remember getting like this before…..maybe it’s because I don’t have anyone to delegate some of the jobs too, I don’t know.  It’s not the first vacation I’ve been on on my own so I don’t get it. I know my problems are pretty minor compared to a lot of peoples and I do try to put that into perspective….which does get me somewhat settled down…at least for a while.


Quiet-ish Day

And  a beautiful one too!  Sunny and warm….the best kind of day.

Laundry will go in shortly…..not sure exactly why, but when I go on holidays I have to have all my laundry done.  Sometimes that’s not a bad thing because I end up deciding to pack “just one more tee shirt” that was buried at the bottom of the basket.  But then again, I usually don’t end up needing that extra shirt…..oh well.

Buddy the cat is at the vets, poor guy.  Even with us giving him his fluids, he was pretty dehydrated and constipated.  I seen him straining in the litter box and suspected that there might be a problem.  I hope he’s going to be OK.  Even though he’s been eating pretty good, he lost a whole kilo, which is a lot for a cat.  I didn’t think he’d gained weight but was surprised that he’d lost so much.  I’m waiting to hear from the vet this morning……we may have another tough decision to make.  He seemed happy enough, doing his usual going outside, sleeping in his basket or on my bed, eating, drinking etc. but who knows what is really happening inside that little body.  My fingers are crossed that he recovers and we can bring him home today or tomorrow.

This afternoon is card day…..Bev’s doggie is off to the groomers, so we thought we’d have a game or two and lunch of course.

After dinner I’ll head to the mall to pick up the last bit of stuff….new sun screen, since I got rid of all the old stuff under the bathroom sink!!  I’m not sure what else I really need.  I’ll also go the foreign exchange kiosk and get some Chilean pesos and a couple of hundred US dollars, which they will take too.

I’ve also got to get my income tax done before I go.  I’m doing it myself since it’s not very complicated, certainly not anything like last years with all the estate stuff.

And I’ve got to go online and see what kind of package I can get for my phone for out of country use……I think it’s something like $70 for one month of unlimited texting and calling.  Not sure if I’ll need it but not a bad thing to have just in case.  We used to have a “world phone”, which was great because we could just change out the SIM card when we went away, but the new technology has made that redundant now.

Even though I think I’m pretty organized, it’s this last week that I always feel that bit of a crunch to get everything done.  It’s worse now since there is only me to go it.  So many little jobs that Ken would have done like putting money in the travel account, getting the cash for the vacation, phoning the alarm company… all helped take the stress out of vacation prep!

But I’m getting used to just doing it all now……I just DO IT!

I’m babysitting tomorrow…..was going to go to their house and do a cleaning day for them, but I think I’ll get them to bring the kids here….and truthfully one missed day at their house won’t make that much of a difference.  I can do my ironing and last minute cleaning while they’re playing…..maybe I’ll get them to help me pack!!  It’s supposed to be nice out again tomorrow so they’ll definitely be outside ….I can puddle around out there too.  Karter likes to use the long magnet thing to find all the leftover nails and screws from the garage construction…..I give him a nickel for each one.  If they left in the grass, they can become projectiles when the guys are cutting the grass….not a good thing!


Round and Round It Goes

That’s everything in my head this morning… much so that I had to get up and make a list!!

I’m pretty organized but it still seems like there is a ton of stuff to do…..some that doesn’t even have to be done now, or before I go, but I think about it anyway.

That’s OK…..I wanted to get up early, maybe not quite that early though…..5:30!  The list is made now so I feel much better and none of it seems that urgent once I did that…..

It’s a beautiful day…..nice and sunny, even warming up so no coats needed.  The weather is supposed to be great for the next few days which makes me want to get out in the yard and do something…..but that’s isn’t on my list and it can wait.

I have a woodpecker, or really they’re a type of flicker, making a hole, or two, in one of my trees.  I guess, since the one they made last year was in the tree that feel down in November in a windstorm, they needed to find a new spot.  I watched them last year from across the street, this year I have a front row seat.  It’s pretty amazing…..and noisy!!

Ken would have really enjoyed watching this guy building his knew home!

Buddy the cat seems to be doing OK….we’re off to the vet for his weekly shot today and a weigh in.  I’m hoping he put on an ounce or two….he’s so scrawny looking but seems happy enough doing all his usual stuff around here.  I do worry a lot about him and my daughter having to deal with it while I’m gone.  He has to have his fluids every day, but I’m not sure how that’s going to work because it’s a two person job.  My friend Bev said she’d help out a couple times a week and the rest of the time my daughter will take him in to the vets to have it done… may have to be every second day because she does have to work and getting home and him in there by 5 could be a bit tricky some days.  I hope it all goes OK because she doesn’t need anything else to worry about.  She’s really more than capable of dealing with it but I feel kind of bad having to leave when it has to be done…..I know I wouldn’t like to deal with it on my own.

Time to start ticking things off that list!!




A Fun Day Was Had By All!

What a great afternoon!  Even the weather cooperated for the most part.

The kids had a lot of fun doing their Easter egg hunt.  There were 11 eggs each (all filled with candies and other little goodies).  That worked out good, otherwise the bigger ones would have had them all!

The food, of course, was great.  My SIL is pretty amazing when it comes to putting on a big spread.  Two kinds of quiches, two different kinds of chicken wings, salads, a ham and I can’t remember what else….but a lot and all delicious.

After brunch and the hunt, the guys took the kids out again and kicked around soccer balls for a while.  That’s when it hits you…….Ken should have been there too!  Later when everyone just sitting around talking, the same thing.  The family, now extended with the kids spouses and grandkids, is like a big jigsaw puzzle…..BUT with that one piece that went missing….never to be found again.  There is an empty space, that hole, now in the family.

Overall though, I could not have asked for a more fun day.  It was chaotic at times, but that’s what makes these days all the more fun.

One of the little toys in the eggs were wibbly, stretchie bunnies in all different colours…..and they’re fun because you can throw them against the wall…..or the ceiling….and they stick, for a while…or longer. Which is inevitably what happened, only it wasn’t one of the grandkids, it was my son that managed to get one stuck on the ceiling….that is 20 feet up!  Then the ceiling fan goes on….high speed, then the long handled broom/window washer thing came out, which just ended up flattening the bunny on the ceiling more….lots of laughs and everyone having a go at trying to get the damn thing down….it did eventually come down.  My cheeks hurt from laughing so much!

The drive there and back is over an hour but lots of nice scenery on the way in the daylight!  My daughter was with me so having company in the car on one of these drives is good.

We were so full from brunch, dinner ended up being a bowl of soup at 9:30 last night….which neither of us really needed even then…..I couldn’t even eat one girl guide cookies!  I’d bought two boxes from my granddaughter……normally those don’t even last a day around here!




Happy Easter!


Today is a happy/sad day for me.  I’m looking forward to brunch, the egg hunt and seeing all the family this afternoon, but it’s also impossible not to think about that life changing Easter Sunday two years ago!

I know all the fun, noise, chaos and everything that goes with getting 25+ people (9 little ones ages 6 mos to 7 years) together will keep my mind going in a different direction.  Now we just have to hope the weather picks up a little by this afternoon!!  It’s drizzling here now but a little less than it was earlier….no sign of breaks in the clouds yet but it is supposed to clear up as the day goes on.

Last night I had so much fun!  A phone call yesterday morning from one of the “old girlfriends” with an impromptu dinner invitation was perfect.  They’d picked up a turkey yesterday morning and she decided to cook it!   Her brother and his wife were there….I don’t think I’d seen him for 20+ years!!  Another old girlfriend and her husband, my friends mother-in-law and their daughter and her boyfriend….so a lot of us.  Lots of yakking, good wine, good food and just a really good time.

I had found some old pictures while doing some of my cleaning and decluttering…..very old pics from when we were in our teens!! I took those along for a few laughs.  One of them was of L and I in her backyard wearing bathing suits that we’d made….her daughter got quite a kick out of that one!  Others from Halloween parties and random pics from each others weddings, pics from our summer days spent at the beach etc.  So much fun looking at those with people who are in them!!

Off to ENJOY my day!


Last Minute Stuff

It’s not really “last minute” yet and hopefully if I get all this done today, I won’t be running around next Saturday doing whatever it is I need to do!

I’m so organized…’s almost a little scary.  But really…..whatever I forget shouldn’t be that drastic….it’s not like I’m not going to a civilized place here!

I do have to make sure I pay my local municipal utility tax before I go.  It’s due on March 31, so should be paid before I leave anyway but it’s one of those things that gets overlooked every now and again and I hate having to pay that 5% penalty if you do forget.  I’ve got it on the calendar, which is good but that bill is in one of those piles of papers that I’ve stashed in a drawer somewhere.  I have a few days to find it… long as I remember to look for it!!  Ken would usually drop the payment off, the morning it was due, on his way to work or after he was home, he could go anytime to do it….it’s been awhile of course since this has happened, which is why the darn thing didn’t get paid on time one year…..

No plans for tonight so I think I’ll start my packing……if the clothes are out of sight, out of mind, I won’t be tempted to wear any of it before.  Not a problem right now with the capris, but those white tee shirts…..especially new ones…..hmmmm.

Had a nice visit with my nieces and great/grand nephew yesterday.  It’s not very often that I get to chat with just them.  They came by to pick up the goodies for Easter……they’re going out to their Moms tonight, so saves me getting there early tomorrow.  I hope the weather cooperates for the Easter egg hunt…’s not supposed too but everyone has been warned that it will go, outside, rain or shine and to come dressed for the weather.  I’ll have to remember to take my camera!!  I always seem to forget to take it to these things.  I do have the phone but it doesn’t take the best pictures.

I’m contributing a fruit plate for tomorrows brunch.  Much better than having to cut up veggies……yuck.  I always ask if I can bring something to these things, but if whoever says a veggie plate, I cringe…..or making a tossed salad.  Probably my two least favorite things to ever make or have to take somewhere.  Fruit though… problem.

My hair…..what do I do?  That’s my mini crisis for the day.  I thought I’d let it grow so I could put it up and out of the way (and my hat will fit better!!) but it’s such a disaster right now I’m tempted to just go and get it all hacked off….which I know I’ll be sorry I did when it’s a fly away, frizzy mess when I’m gone.  It’s easier to keep the frizz under control when it’s pinned up and hidden……hmmmmm.



Good Trip Shopping!

Had a couple of good shopping days!  I think I’m all set now.  It’s not very often I find things that I like AND that fit!  Very excited about a couple of tee shirts…..relaxed fit but not sloppy looking and just what I needed to hide that stupid “back fat”.

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New jeans (skinny-ish ones!!), tees, shirt and sandals……boring but at least colour coordinated!!

(Not sure why wordpress is insisting on turning my picture around!  I’ve rotated it in all directions and regardless of which one I use, it’s coming up sideways…..oh well!!)

It’s not the most glamourous of wardrobes for sure, but certainly practical and comfortable which is what is important.  And it’s colour coordinated!  Along with these new things, I’ll have my black pants, denim and black capris, one pair of black shorts (which are just about capris…..because shorts more than an inch or two above the knee just aren’t ever going to happen again).  My sketchers and one other pair of sandals and that should be more than enough.

Everything for this trip has come together really good.  Just getting in touch with all our rentals now to confirm arrival times, where to pick up keys etc.  One guy is even going to pick us up at the bus depot!  That’s in Mendoza and will be very nice and convenient after our 7 hour bus ride over the Andes from Valparaiso, Chile.

After sorting out the credit card issues, I’m feeling good about this whole trip now.  Just have to get some sort of cell phone package that will cover texting and some phone calls, otherwise the roaming charges would end up cost the same as another trip!

Today is Good Friday.  Absolutely no plans for me.  I kind of like that but I also miss doing something.  Usually there would be a dinner somewhere but no so this year.  I honestly can’t remember if we did anything last year.  Sunday is the family brunch and an easter egg hunt at my BIL/SIL’s place, which will be fun as everyone, except for one niece, will be there.  This is not one of my favorite holidays anymore.

It’s been almost 2 years, which is so hard to believe.  Ken passed away on Easter Sunday.  But because Easter is different every year, it’s like I have to go through “that day” not just once a year, but twice.  This weekend and then again on April 20th.  Last year we “celebrated” his life in Hawaii, this year I’ll be somewhere in Argentina.  I’ll celebrate with a toast to him and a tear or two.  Someone suggested taking some of his ashes with me on my trips and leaving a bit wherever I go…..kind of like him coming along and being there too.  It’s sort of a good idea but not sure if it would work….what if they took the ashes at airport security or something like that.  I guess a little bit would still be left there but I know how much he hated going through security at airports, so not a place he’d be happy to be left at!!


Credit Cards

You gotta love them but………

What a pain when something happens!!  I’m not sure why I can’t access mine online….apparently I need to contact them to reset my password????  Why???

Went to use it at the vets the other day and it wouldn’t validate….contacted them and had to reset the PIN?  Why???

This wouldn’t be a huge big deal normally…’s happened before because the noticed a “different spending habit” or something they thought was suspicious spending on my account.  I do appreciate that they do that but it’s all really quite inconvenient.  I have to call them to reset the password and physically go into my bank to have the PIN reset, all of which I’ll do today.  I know from a previous experience that IF some wonky charges have gone through, they’re very quick to rectify it.  My concern now though is that I’m off on vacation in just over a week and need this card.  I hope I don’t have to get a new one with a different number…..I know this one off by heart!

I really don’t use my card that often and I do have another one if worse comes to worse but doing all this stuff wasn’t on my “to do” list for today.  Oh well, the positive to this is that I’ll be dressed and ready to go out nice and early and all the other stuff on my list will still be there when I get home.

My house looks and smells so good.  I love it the first few days after the cleaning lady has been here… really gives me incentive to keep on top of everything  ie. not let the clutter accumulate on the kitchen counters and the mail on the steps!!  I am getting better at this….it’s nice to have a tidy AND clean house!

Spent a fun afternoon with Bev yesterday while the cleaners were here.  We had lunch and played Spite and Malice.  That was the first time this month, and it’s almost over!!!  We play for a .25 a point and settle up at the end of the month.  Last month I had to pay her $2.50!  So far this month, she owes me .50……but we’ll hopefully get in one more afternoon next week and all that could change.  It’s a fun game, although we do curse and swear a lot, and a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon.

Ok I’m off to sort out my credit card issues… excitement for the day!






Great Little Trip!

Had such a good time with my friends…….lots to eat, lots to drink and just lots of fun.

It’s so nice to be able to feel comfortable with people….even when staying with them 24/7.  We talked and laughed about anything and everything.  The weather was pretty good, other than the odd bit of rain, we even managed to see some sun and it was mild enough to spend the afternoons sitting on the deck admiring the view.  In another month or so they’ll have the Alaska cruise ships coming and going daily, which are fun to watch go by.

Even the drive and ferry over and back, including having to go through a tunnel which I hate doing, was good.  It’s only a 40 minute ferry ride but lots to see along the way….soon the whales will be heading up that way and you’re often treated with pods of them.

I did have a couple of moments over the last couple of days.  Going up to their place would have been something that Ken would have really enjoyed.  The trip over and their place…..I’m pretty sure he would have spent most of his time out on the deck with the binoculars or N’s big telescope.  That made me a little sad….teary actually,  but it is what it is and I know I can’t dwell on it because what can I do about it???

Yesterday was back to normal pretty quickly… to the vet, shopping, cleaning, or at least de-cluttering, the house for the housekeeper……

I’ve got to sit down in the next day or two and print off and put together all my trip stuff….I can’t believe that is in less than two weeks.  Too soon to start packing but I can make up my packing list.  I am NOT going to over pack for this trip.  We’ll have a washing machine at all the places we’re staying so there should be no need to pack a ton of stuff.  Shirl and I went shopping and I found a couple more white tee shirts, which you can never go wrong with.  I’ll take my sketchers and a pair of sandals…maybe two….and flip flops.  I don’t think there will be anything that we’ll have to get dressed up for, so no heels or fancy shoes.  It will get a bit chilly in some places in the evenings so I’ll need a light jacket, which I’ll probably just wear enroute.

I definitely have enough to keep me busy over the next week!!





Another Mini Vacation

Just for two days…..heading over to our friends on the Sunshine Coast again.  The weather has been great the last 3 or 4 days….warm, sunny, lots of blue sky….just the kind of weather that’s perfect for the ferry ride over and to really appreciate the views at their place!  But this morning, it’s raining….argh.!!!    Oh well…..I’m stocked up on wine and goodies, so we’re going to have a good time regardless.

One of the main reasons for this visit was to make sure they had a key to my house….which I should have had made the last time they were here but never got around to it.  They’ll be using my place as their home away from home if and when they have to come over.  They’ll have to make sure they give my daughter a heads up when they are coming over… make sure the house is OK!!  I’ve already told them no guarantees what the place will look like, other than their bedroom and bathroom…….

This two day trip is one of those “on your things” that I really want to get used to doing.  If I want to see things and go places I can’t always rely on there being others who can join me whenever so a mini trip like this is a good thing to start with.  Not that they’re that far away or taking the ferry by myself is rocket science but it’s not something I’ve done a lot of, other than for work years ago.  I’m not staying in hotel of course, and back in the work days, even doing that alone didn’t bother me, so not sure why I would hesitate to do it now…..different state of mind I guess.  But if I don’t start doing it soon, it’s one of those things that I know I’ll continually find excuses to put off time and again.

Last night we celebrated my granddaughters 7th birthday!  I can’t believe she’s that old already…..where does the time go??
